Link Sword Mod (v3.1)

By Vouksh
Date: 02-02-2004




Jedi Academy Modification
Creator(s): <JS>Vouksh

Version : 3.1
Total File Size : 14.5MB
Filename :
Included Files : link_sword_mod_no_blood.pk3, link_sword_mod_w_blood.pk3, Hrulian_shield.pk3, and this readme

This takes several sword models by Antizac and makes them into actual sword, ya know no blade color and no blade light on the ground, ect. I also made some of them into staffs. As if that�s not enough, I added two versions of each, one standard, and one with blood. (THANK YOU SLICE, DICE, AND MINCE! [The creator of Melee Mod]) I also used the Shield off the back of the Link Model. I hope to, someday, make it so you can hang your shield and your sword on your back when you turn it off. I also wish I could make shields fully implemented into the game.


1.5 Fixed the blood. Should show now.

2.0 I added the Deity Sword and made a staff out of it too. Split the blood and no blood swords into two separate .pk3�s

3.0 I made the Deity Staff & Master Sword Staff into a short (one-handed version) upon request J and also added the Hyrulian Shield. I think that�s how it�s spelledJ. If you don�t like it, fix it yourself.

3.1 Fixed the shield texture. I accidentally had it pointing to the link Model. That�s all that was wrong LOL.

- <JS>Vouksh

We, of the Jedi Swordsmen, will SMITE you!!!!!!!!!

This mod is not supported by LucasArts or RavenGames. This mod may NOT be used as a base for other mods without the consent of the original authors.

I had full permission to do this.